SMC LVQ20H-S03 LVQ H Series High Purity Chemical Valve Non-Metallic Exterior, Air Operated, 0.5 MPa Back Pressure Tolerant Insert Bushing, Integral Fitting Type Hyper Fitting
SMC LVQ20H-S03 LVQ H Series High Purity Chemical Valve Non-Metallic Exterior, Air Operated, 0.5 MPa Back Pressure Tolerant Insert Bushing, Integral Fitting Type Hyper Fitting
Body Class:
Body class 2
Valve Model:
Fitting Type:
Applicable Tubing Size:
Metric Size:3X2
Port B (OUT) Different Dia. Size:
Ports A & B Same Size
Pilot Port Type:
LQ1 integral fitting Connection tubing O.D. 1/8" (?3)
LVQ H Series High Purity Chemical Valve Non-Metallic Exterior, Air Operated, 0.5 MPa Back Pressure Tolerant Insert Bushing, Integral Fitting Type Hyper Fitting
No screws, all-in-one integrated design;?Non-metallic structure with no metal screws used to fasten;?the actuator portion and body portion;
LVQ H Series High Purity Chemical Valve Non-Metallic Exterior, Air Operated, 0.5 MPa Back Pressure Tolerant Insert Bushing, Integral Fitting Type Hyper FittingNo screws, all-in-one integrated...
LVQ H-Z Series High Purity Chemical Valve Non-Metallic Exterior, Air Operated,0.5 MPa Back Pressure Tolerant Flare Integral Fitting Type Hyper FittingNo screws, all-in-one integrated...
LVQ H-Z Series High Purity Chemical Valve Non-Metallic Exterior, Air Operated,0.5 MPa Back Pressure Tolerant Flare Integral Fitting Type Hyper FittingNo screws, all-in-one integrated...
LVQ H-Z Series High Purity Chemical Valve Non-Metallic Exterior, Air Operated,0.5 MPa Back Pressure Tolerant Flare Integral Fitting Type Hyper FittingNo screws, all-in-one integrated...
LVQ H-Z Series High Purity Chemical Valve Non-Metallic Exterior, Air Operated,0.5 MPa Back Pressure Tolerant Flare Integral Fitting Type Hyper FittingNo screws, all-in-one integrated...