The undervoltage release is an electronic module used to open the circuit breaker when the monitored voltage drops below 35-60PERC of its rated value. The undervoltage release "resets" when the monitored voltage is re-established allowing the circuit breaker to reclose (the sealing voltage of the UVR is 60-85PERC of its rated voltage). An undervoltage release trip operation is produced by the MicroVersaTrip½ Plus unit in response to a signal from the undervoltage release module. This allows the trip unit to record, display, distinguish an d comm un icate (in MicroVer saTri p½ PM trip units) that the breaker opening event was due to undervoltage release. Operation of the undervoltage release module will prevent breaker contact closure, i.e. "kiss-free" operation. When energized, the undervoltage release supplies +24 Vdc power to the trip unit to power the display. Field installable. 0ACR Frame Rating Amps 2500
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